Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Are you owner on title? * YesNo
Your Email *
Phone *
How quickly do you need this property to be sold? (use drop-down) *—Please choose an option—Not in a hurry to sellIn next few monthsIn next few weeks
State *
County *
City/Township *
Physical Address (if applicable)
Property ID (Parcel ID/Number or APN or Account Number)
What is the Property Size in Acres or Square Feet?
What is the classification/usage of the property? (use drop-down)—Please choose an option—Native PastureVacant LotResidential LandCrop/AgricultureMobile HomeOtherDon't know
Do you have any mortgages or loans on this property?YesNo [group group-136]If yes, how much is yet to be paid?[/group]
Are all of your property taxes paid current?YesNo
Is this property currently listed with a Realtor?YesNo
Is the property in a Home Owners Assoc (HOA)?YesNo
Please upload any photos or documents of the property.
How did you acquire this property?
Why are you trying to sell this property?
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about the property?
How do you find this website?
Do you have any other properties you’d like to sell? YesNo
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